Full Name
Steve Ferraro
Job Title
Director of Technology
Steve Ferraro is the A/V Broadcast Engineer in Charge, Creative Communications Group (BCC) at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Ferraro started with TV repair almost 40 years ago and hasn’t stopped working with video since. He then tried designing a billiards game with assembly language while laying pipe in nuclear submarines, luckily the work on the subs went better than the game creation. He got tired of bilge work so he designed his first TV studio in the late 80's. He’s worked in TV stations, stadiums, military, government and large private enterprises. Notables are KATU, WJLA, FedEx Field (NBC were the best crews to work with, ABC MNF the worst), Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The SEC, Customs Border Patrol, World Bank, and Medical schools around the country too numerous to count. During that time, he learned more about IT networking then he ever wanted to but now that video and IT are merging it has turned out to be a good career move. Ferraro is the engineer in charge of A/V and broadcasting services at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel Maryland, where they designed large parts of those submarines, so he has come full circle.
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